Friday, April 30, 2021

Absolutely Brilliant explanation of why you should take the Covid vaccine.. lungs in covid


Absolutely Brilliant explanation of why you should take the Covid vaccine.. lungs in covid Absolutely Brilliant explanation of why you should take the Covid vaccine.. lungs in covid

This is a WhatsApp forward message, the original rights belong to whomsoever uploaded the message. The idea here is to just share how the lungs are affected with covid if you have taken the covid vaccine or if you have not taken the covid vaccine. Absolutely brilliant and mind blowing, if this does not need to take the coronavirus vaccine I don't think anything else will. Charak Clinics

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Yeh CT value kya hai / COVID RT PCR test and the CT Value


Yeh CT value kya hai / COVID RT PCR test and the CT Value Yeh CT value kya hai / COVID RT PCR test and the CT Value

क्या है यह CT वैल्यू, इससे कैसे समझें, और क्या फायदा या नुक्सान है इसका? क्या इससे केस के सीरियसनेस का पता चलता है? Charak Clinics

Thursday, April 22, 2021

5 RED FLAG WARNING signs for children with COVID


5 RED FLAG WARNING signs for children with COVID 5 RED FLAG WARNING signs for children with COVID

AIIMS Delhi has suggested 5 signs (as of Apr 2021) to watch out for in children with the second wave of COVID-19 in India. You can watch the complete AIIMS video here Charak Clinics

Thursday, April 08, 2021

Which vaccine to take - Covishield or Covaxin? भारत में कौनसा टीका लें, कविशिएल्ड या कोवाक्सिन? Which vaccine to take - Covishield or Covaxin? भारत में कौनसा टीका लें, कविशिएल्ड या कोवाक्सिन?

सब लोग यह ही जानना चाहते हैं, कौनसा इंजेक्शन लगवाएं, खुद को, अपने पेरेंट्स को और आगे चल कर अपने बच्चों को भी ? Which is the better vaccine, Covishield or Covaixn? What should I take, what should my parents take, what should my children take later? India wants to know! #Covishield, #covaxin #covid-19 #vaccines #Vaccinesaresafe #ipaworld @ Charak Clinics

Which vaccine to take - Covishield or Covaxin? भारत में कौनसा टीका लें, कविशिएल्ड या कोवाक्सिन?