Monday, January 05, 2015

I am taking Levapil 500 mg (Levetiracetam) twice a day for Epilepsy, Can I Breast Feed my baby?

Q: I am taking Levapil 500 mg (Levetiracetam) twice a day for Epilepsy, Can I Breast Feed my baby? My doctor has advised that I continue BF, however I am worried for the health of my baby.
A: Breastfeeding (BF) your baby should be continued in this situation. The benefits of BF far outweigh any problems in this situation. In many studies taking doses of 1-3 gm/ day of Levetiracetam has been associated with low blood levels in the baby, and NO side-effects. 
Most authorities recommend continuing BF in this situation.
There is NO increased risk of epilepsy due to breast feeding the baby in this situation.

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