Sunday, February 06, 2022

Does covid vaccine lower immunity? Does covid vaccine lower immunity?

I had a very interesting question from one of the parents who did not want to send their child to school after the covid vaccine because they were worried about lowered immunity after vaccination making their child higher risk to get copied, is this true? Why do people get covid after the vaccine? क्या हमारी इम्यूनिटी कोविड-19 के टीके के बाद कम हो जाती है और क्या हमारा कोविड-19 का रिसक टीके के बाद बढ़ जाता है, क्यों होता है कोविड का इन्फेक्शन तुरंत वैक्सीन लेने के बाद? Created by InShot: Charak Clinics

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